Being the first winter out west, I've never had the opportunity to experience a ski season this long. It's May and the skiing is phenomenal. Today Keith, Brian and myself headed up the American Fork Twin Peaks. The top elevation is 11,489 which casts a shadow over Snowbird Ski Resort. In route, one must go up East fork along a ridge and traverse west towards West Fork. The game plan was to ski a popular line called Pipeline.

The Twins, with the ridge in view (lookers left) leading up to East Twin. Pipeline is the obvious chute lookers right off of West Twin.

Standing on top of West Twin looking at where I came from.

Ski tip shot going into the main chute.
The conditions were pretty good. We entered in at 10:30 and things were nice and soft. More skiing awaits. As you can see there is no shortage of snow.
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