This is what I live for. Interesting perspective on some of the peaks that I've done in this photo.
I had such an amazing day in the mountains. My head gets clear, problems/stress gets put on reserve, and I live in the now. Going with an old housemate and his brother, we decided to do some skinning where ever the snow levels were at in Big Cottonwood Canyon.
The weather was amazing. The snow was even better. We scored some snowmobile hookups to bring us to the top of Brighton and from there, it was skiing in an open bowl on the backside of Brighton (Clayton's Bowl) and skinning around; doing some laps in there.
Did 2 laps in here.
Andy on the 2nd lap.
1st set of my tracks about to be doubled up!
This will not be my last day skiing this year. There's to much snow to say no.