Some pics of the field where I worked at. Ironically, this was the last week I was in the field so I'm glad I brought out the camera.
I also had the chance to play host to many visitors, meet new life long friends, and catch up with old ones.
My Dad rippin' up Snowbird's finest. First real powder day in all his life. 90 something inches fell the 2 weeks he came out. If you count his travel days, over 100 inches. Lucky dog!
Mom and me at Arches. Fall time 2008.

John inside Zion on one of our canyoneering trips. Me and John met during the training week for Second Nature. Ironically I saw his van "Big Sexy" a few days before, randomly at Arches. Our passion for the outdoors made for weekly excursions across the state on our weeks off from work.
Andrea ripping up Mt. Hood. I met Andrea very randomly through a series of events which led me to Oregon. We hit it off kinda rocky with her speaking badly of Snowbirds snow, but we finally connected.
Zach climbing in LCC. I'm grateful for meeting him. He showed me many sweet lines to ski at Snowbird and took the time to wait for me. This guy can flat out rip the mountain.
MIkey and me on Mt. Hood. We both tried out for a job working up on Rainier this summer. He got it! He's a beast of a climber and has taught me the ropes so to speak. I first met him up in Alaska where we both worked for MICA guides. Right now, he's somewhere in Denali's West Butt. Hoping the best!
Brian and Broni. My brother and his girl friend came out for a week. Here is a picture of him climbing in Green Valley Gap, UT. The picture of both of them is from the top of Observation point. That rock wall face right next to his right ear is Angel's Landing, one of my future goals.

Well thats about it. To much more and I'd be boring you all. So if you don't see your picture it's either of two things. I either have your picture on my old computer or you need to come out and visit!
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