This winter was an endless adventure. The skiing and the climbing made my soul dance. It'll be hard to forget the events that happened the last few months. I worked nights, 8 bucks an hour bumming chairs up at Brighton and lived the dream. I consider myself extremely fortunate to put into action exactly what I want.
This is normally what I looked like about 4 times a week after touring for the day. Pretty exhausted and usually had about 30 minutes to relax before work. Hard to feel sorry for me though. Normally the day was absolutely amazing and usually I learned something about myself or the mountains.

The control panel where I stop the lift after a beater wrecks himself getting on or off the lift.

A view from the top Silver Fork. I had lunch here!!!!!

Down and out! Just got done skiing Box Elder Peak after an unsuccessful bid earlier in the season.

Sweet sweet powder turns. My tracks. Putting the zipper down with the megawatts.

It be hard for me to put up all of the photos. Check out my videos that I made throughout the season here for more goodies..